The breezy Fall days are gone and now we face the chills of December. When I think about the warmer days of summer, I realize that we learned a lot about managing a small vegetable garden. We had the chance to experiment with produce we had never grown before. What an experience. Fresh, vibrant, sweet or hot - the flavors were exploding with each bite. It was a pleasing experience, but a lot of work!
My family can still enjoy the garden fresh flavors of summer at diner time - Italian Tomato Sauce -amazing stuff -I know I am gong to run out. Dill Pickles that have a bit of a kick, frozen Peppers, Yellow Beans or Squash. Enough variety to enjoy through the cold winter months.
Hope you had a chance to store some summer freshness yourselves.
Next...on to dreaming about next years garden......if you have any requests, please let me know.
I am glad I found your site. I've been searching for information about farmer's stands or markets in Paris. I've been to the Brantford market but really don't consider it a true "farmer's market". We'll definitely be visiting your stand this season. I think everyone should know about local fresh produce. Why doesn't Paris have a weekly farmer's market downtown? I've travelled through many small towns in the states and they all have weekend farmer's markets. It would be perfect to use the public parking lot in behind the county office on Sundays!
look forward to see you!
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