Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The breezy Fall days are gone and now we face the chills of December. When I think about the warmer days of summer, I realize that we learned a lot about managing a small vegetable garden. We had the chance to experiment with produce we had never grown before. What an experience. Fresh, vibrant, sweet or hot - the flavors were exploding with each bite. It was a pleasing experience, but a lot of work!

My family can still enjoy the garden fresh flavors of summer at diner time - Italian Tomato Sauce -amazing stuff -I know I am gong to run out. Dill Pickles that have a bit of a kick, frozen Peppers, Yellow Beans or Squash. Enough variety to enjoy through the cold winter months.

Hope you had a chance to store some summer freshness yourselves.

Next...on to dreaming about next years garden......if you have any requests, please let me know.