Saturday, July 9, 2011

Heirloom, Hybird, and Non-GMO Vegetables Ready at the farm

The produce is coming on now and we have a large selection of fresh items for sale. Check out the "stand" page on our web site to see the most up to date selections

Here is a sampling of what we have today:

Rhubarb - 8 to 10 stalks - $3.00

Broccoli - 400 grams - $3.00

Chiogga Beets - package of 8 - to 10 - $3.00
Eggplant - package of 4 (6 to 8 inch) = $3.00

Green Onions (Green Banner) - packages 8 to 10 - $2.00
Hot Peppers - 200 grams - $3.00

Herbs - Oregano/Dill - 125 grams - $3.00
Kohlrabi - Large Purple or White - $3.00
Sweet Banana Peppers - 200 grams -$3.00
Swiss Chard - White - package of 8 to 10 stalks - $ 3.00
Romaine - Large Jerrico - $3.00
Waldmann Frilly Lettuce Leaves
- 200 gram packages - $3.00
(packaged as whole leaves or cut for salad)

Zucchini - package of 4 (between 6 to 10 inches in size) - $3.00 or
            - package of 2 at least 11 inches or more - $3.00

Pastured, Free Range Brown Eggs
$3.25 with your egg carton or $3.50 with ours