Our garden is pesticide/chemical free and we hand manage our plantings by laying landscape fabric and straw. Early this spring we planted Asparagus and Rasperberry Bushes. Theses plants will need a year or two to get situated but after that, we should have enough produce for our customers.
This spring we have Garlic Scapes, Rhubarb, Herbs and Spinach ready to go (eggs too!). If you would like to purchase something from our farm, please contact us through our website.
As the season progresses we will have beans, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, onions and squash (many varieties). Be sure to check out our website and look at the "Grow Plan" to see what is planted in the field. We only plant non-gmo, heritage and hyrid vegetables.
With rain in the air today, our garden is happy and growing and hopefully it will produce a bounty for us this summer!